Sunday, August 30, 2009


I eat at least one serving of fruit a day, but depending on my nutrition and training program, I usually don't eat more than 3 servings a day. I also choose certain fruit for different reasons....I eat Blueberries every single morning because they are high in antioxidants, Oranges for the Vitamin C (but I usually get enough from my diet and supplements), and I eat bananas (even though they are very high in sugar) because they give me good energy for my workout and the potassium is good for electrolyte replenishment and recovery. It all comes down to making the BEST choices and over time it adds up. If I am having only one fruit a day depending on my training schedule or current nutrition, then I usually have 1/2 a cup of blueberries & 1/2 a banana, 2 servings of fruit a day then I will add an apple or a grapefruit, and three servings of fruit per day will be all of the above. Here are some guidelines as to which fruit might be best to choose from based on the amount of sugar they contain:

Fruits Very Low in Sugar


Fruits Low in Sugar

Honeydew Melons

Fruits Higher in Sugar


Fruits Very High in Sugar

Bananas - I eat them for potassium before or after my workouts (half a serving).

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Importance of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to Speed-Up Fat Loss

Several studies have been done on the effectiveness of HIIT , one of those studies was called The Impact of Exercise Intensity on Body Fatness and Skeletal Muscle Metabolism....In this study two groups were separated into an HIIT Group and an Endurance Training Group performed for the same amount of time per day.

At the conclusion of the study, the HIIT group lost over 3 times as much subcutaneous fat (the fat lying under the skin) despite burning less than half as many calories during the workouts as the Endurance Training Group. The Endurance Training group lost 4.5mm of subcutaneous fat versus the HIIT group who lost 13.9mm. This proves that if you practice HIIT training, the majority of calories burned will come after your workout!

I recommend three 20 minute HIIT sessions a week to produce significant fat-burning effects for a period of 4-8 weeks. Personally, I like to cycle my HIIT and do it for 4 weeks and then take a break from it until I feel like I need it again....example: one month on, two months off, and then repeat.

HIIT can be done with many different forms of aerobics, although my favorite is either on a treadmill, running track, or a should strive to push yourself up to a 90% of your maximum and by the final set, you should be begging for mercy.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to do HIIT is called "walk back sprinting"....with this exercise, you sprint anywhere from 100 yards to 800 yards (1/2 mile) and then change directions and walk back to your starting point and repeat for a total of 20 minutes which includes a short 1-2 minute warm up and a 1 minute cool down. On a bike, I find it best to measure 1/2 mile (you can even use your car to find out how far 1/2 mile marker is from home) and then do repeats going as fast as you can to the 1/2 mile marker and then turning around for a leisure ride back....this should take you approximately 3-4 minutes per set.

This is the Treadmill routine that I developed for myself when I first started HIIT, and to this day I still use it when I want to burn fat or improve my athletic performance, but I also like to do HIIT sprints on my bike outdoors.

My 20 Minute HIIT Treadmill Routine

Minute 0-2 = Speed 5
Minute 2-3 = Speed 6
Minute 3-4 = Speed 7
Minute 4-5 = Speed 8
Minute 5-6 = Speed 9
Minute 6-7 = Speed 6
Minute 7-8 = Speed 7
Minute 8-9 = Speed 8
Minute 9-10 = Speed 9
Minute 10-11 = Speed 6
Minute 11-12 = Speed 7
Minute 12-13 = Speed 8
Minute 13-14 = Speed 9
Minute 14-15 = Speed 6
Minute 15-16 = Speed 7
Minute 16-17 = Speed 8
Minute 17-18 = Speed 9
Minute 18-19 = Speed 10
Minute 19-20 = Speed 5

Changing the speed every 60 seconds after the 2 minute warm-up really makes time fly and before you know it's over. You can give it a try and change the numbers to fit your own max speed....this works and makes you sweat like crazy, so by minute 10, if you're not sweating pretty hard then you need to make it more intense! By minute 18-19 you should be at 90% of your maximum effort and heart rate leading up to your final cool down minute.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Solution to the Health Care Crisis

The best solution for the National Health Care Crisis is for each person to commit to improving their own health by following some very simple personal health care principles and preventions that statistically have shown to dramatically reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other serious diseases.

1. Manage and lower your personal stress.

2. Reduce abdominal fat which dramatically lowers your risk of heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.

3. Get a healthy and safe amount of sun exposure (Vitamin D).

4. Drink 8+ glasses of water a day.

5. Limit your exposure to cancer causing toxins.

6. Eat healthy fat daily (20% of your daily calories).

7. Eat plenty of raw food.

8. Eat a healthy low sugar diet to maintain and control our insulin level.

9. Exercise at least 3-4 times per week for 30+ minutes.

10. Get 7+ hours of sleep per night.

By following these basic healthy lifestyle principles that have been proven to dramatically lower our risks of heart, cancer, and other serious diseases we can start reducing our own health care costs and reliance on government involvement. Personal involvement is the solution to the Unites States' health care crisis, NOT government involvement!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Do you want to take your fitness to the next level? need to be committed!

The INSANITY workout is a pure rush that brings mind blowing results in just 60 days. What I really like about the program is the 'Elite Nutrition Plan' that comes with is very well written and super easy to follow. It consists of 5 meals a day, and you choose 1 meal from 10 simple to make options for each five daily out of a total of 50 meals, you choose 5 for each day.

If you want FREE coaching and want to save 10% on INSANITY or any other Beachbody products, then
buy INSANITY here to get me assigned as your Coach for FREE.....Beachbody does not allow any Retailers or Coaches to discount the product itself, but they do allow us cheaper shipping. You save $12 on shipping (which is equal to 10% off on your total purchase price) and get my FREE Coaching.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tips for getting a 6-pack of abs

Doing a million sit-ups a day WON'T get your abs ripped, it will make the muscles stronger, but they won't ever be seen unless you eat properly.....that is why I say "Abs are made in the kitchen!".? Ab exercises along with intense HIIT cardio and proper nutrition will help you shed fat and define your abdominals so they can start to are six other simple tips to follow:

1. Cut or minimize carbs in evening hours.
2. Fat intake should be 20%.
3. Eat low sodium and high fiber foods (Oatmeal is great, processed foods are bad....too much sodium).
4. Alcoholic intake should be minimal
5. Read food labels, and try to stick to NATURAL foods...stay away from PROCESSED foods.
6. HIIT (Hign Intesity Interval Training) 3 times per week for 20 minutes in the evening (I do it Mon, Wed, Fri which are usually my strength training days...I do it on a treadmill so I can control my intensity better).

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Weekend Diet Survival Guide

I don't like to use the word diet, it sounds too temporary....I like to think of it as a Lifetime Nutrition Plan, but this is a good article about surviving the weekend and staying on track with your nutrition. Proper nutrition is about making better choices, not about being perfect! Even if you are with a group of friends that all want to go to McDonalds, you can still make better choices that won't set you back with your nutrition plan....most of the fast food chains these days have incorporated healthier options to their menu, and it is up to you to decide what is the best option and is going to do the least amount of damage and get the best balance of nutrients to keep your body fueled until the next meal.

Beat the 2-Day Binge: Your Weekend Diet Survival Guide
By Whitney Provost

If you've ever avoided your Monday-morning weigh-in because you blew your diet over the weekend, you're not alone. Most people, even those who are not dieting, tend to eat more on weekends than they do during the week. You don't have to be like the average person, however, if you follow a few simple steps. Here are 10 tips for surviving the weekend on a diet.

In a study published in the journal Obesity in 2008, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis followed 48 men and women for a year to determine how weekend eating affected their diets. Almost all of the participants, who ranged from healthy weight to nearly obese, lost weight during the week and gained it back on the weekends. Their physical activity didn't change much; the weight increase was caused by a higher calorie intake. Weekend overeating is so powerful, the researchers found, that it could lead the average person to gain 9 pounds over the course of a year.

Indulging on the weekends can cause you to make up any calorie deficit you created during the week, which means you won't lose weight. And who wants to diet without seeing results? Don't let your days off derail your hard work. Be a weekend diet warrior.

1. Eat within an hour of waking up. Starting your days with a healthy breakfast will give you energy and make you feel full longer. A healthy balance of protein and complex carbohydrates, such as an egg-white omelette with vegetables and whole-grain toast, plain yogurt sweetened with berries, or high-fiber cereal with low-fat milk, will stabilize your blood sugar and rev your metabolism, and it may help ward off hunger later in the day.

2. Stick to your meal plan. There's no reason to change your meal plan on the weekend. If you eat five times a day during the week, eat five times a day on the weekend. When you sleep in on Saturday and Sunday, just shift your meal schedule to accommodate the later start, but keep everything else exactly the same. If you know you're going out to dinner and will want to eat more, simply cut back on the number of calories you consume earlier in the day. But don't skip meals, or your hunger will overpower you at dinnertime.

3. Plan ahead. Weekends are busy with family activities, socializing with friends, and running errands. Part of creating a healthy lifestyle is learning how to adapt your diet and exercise routine to fit any schedule. Know ahead of time when you'll need to eat and plan for it. Bring nonperishable food such as dried fruit, nuts, and nut butters; make a sandwich; cut up some vegetables; throw a meal replacement bar in your bag; or pour some soup into a thermos and stash it in your car. You can also fill a cooler with food for you and your family when you're out all day. Added bonus: You'll all eat better and save money by not having to stop at a restaurant.

4. Lay off the liquor. You already know that alcohol's empty calories and high sugar content are major diet busters. Many people lose their food inhibitions when they drink alcohol, which means they're more likely to make unhealthy food choices after a cocktail or two. If you really want to drink on weekends, have one non-caloric drink such as club soda with lime (looks like a vodka tonic!) or water between every alcoholic drink. And stick to lower-calorie options such as light beer or wine rather than mixed drinks, which can have upwards of 500 calories each.

5. Be the first to order in a restaurant. Set the tone for the meal by ordering something healthy for yourself. Getting your order in first will make you less likely to be tempted by the unhealthy choices of your dining companions. And maybe your healthy selection will convince them to make better decisions about what they're eating.

6. Stay busy. Boredom and loneliness are two common diet hazards. Plan your weekends so they're full of activities, and you won't be tempted to eat mindlessly. Keep up with your P90X® , Slim in 6®, or INSANITY™, get outdoors, play sports, meet friends . . . Just get off the couch.

7. Reward yourself with something other than food. If you've been dieting all week, you may feel like you deserve to indulge on the weekend. But a little splurge can result in slower weight loss. Is it really worth it? Instead of rewarding yourself with food, try something else. See a movie, buy a book or DVD, get some new workout clothes, or have a massage. Find something that makes you feel good and doesn't involve food.

8. Get on the scale. Weighing yourself on a weekend morning can help you stick to your diet by reminding you of your goals. If you "think thin," you'll be more likely to maintain healthy habits throughout the weekend.

9. Treat yourself during the week. Any diet that makes you feel deprived is destined to fail. If you adhere to a strict eating plan Monday through Friday, you're more likely to give in to temptation over the weekend. But when you add in a treat or two during the week, it'll be easier to practice portion control on Saturday and Sunday. Just find a way to incorporate indulgences into your weekday calorie target.

10. If you do blow it, don't wait until Monday to start over. Nobody's perfect. If you have a blowout dinner or graze all day at a family party, simply get back on track with your next meal. This helps stop negative eating patterns that can carry over into the next week, and it minimizes the diet damage. No need to dwell on your splurge or feel guilty about it either; just forget about it and move on.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Abs are made in the kitchen!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Don't get too obsessed with fat, as long as they are good fats like wild salmon, nuts/almonds (I don't eat more than 1 oz a day), OR 2 table spoons of Natural Peanut Butter (choose either Natural Peanut Butter or Almonds, but not both), either 1 table spoon of Olive Oil (on a salad is fine, and you can even add lemon juice + pepper) OR 2.5 oz of Avocado. Having the almonds OR the Natural Peanut Butter as a snack, and then having the Olive Oil OR the Avocado with dinner is great.

I lost 18 pounds while doing P90X program (Buy P90X) in 90 days while having 1 oz of almonds per day as an afternoon snack and then 2.5 oz of avocado with my dinner. Here is a great article that talks about the best fats to eat. Also, if you haven't ever read The Abs Diet, then I highly recommend that hits the nail on the head!

The 5 Best Fats to Get Lean
By Whitney Provost

You might think that to lose weight you need to cut the fat out of your meals. After all, fat is higher in calories than protein and carbs, and low-fat diets have been very popular since the Senate Nutrition Committee first recommended them in the late 1970s. But research shows that a moderate-fat diet (with about 35 percent of calories consumed coming from fat) will help you drop pounds permanently, feel full longer, and avoid binging. The trick is to eat the right kind of fat to increase satisfaction and boost weight loss. Here's why it's important to eat fat—and we offer five of the best fat sources to add to your diet.

How eating fat will help you lose fat:

In 2008, researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel found that people who followed low-fat diets lost less weight than people who followed low-carb or moderate-fat diets. The low-fat group lost an average of 6.5 pounds over 2 years, but the low-carb and moderate-fat groups lost about 10 pounds. Women did especially well on the moderate-fat diet, losing an average of 13 pounds during the study.

For weight loss, fat is important for several reasons:

-Fat helps your body control blood sugar and insulin spikes after eating carbohydrates. Better sugar metabolism means less fat storage.
-Fat slows down digestion and aids nutrient absorption. You'll stay fuller longer and get more health benefits from the food you eat.
-Essential fatty acids (such as omega-3s) may boost your metabolic rate and increase fat-burning.
-Fat tastes good. It also provides a "mouthful" that is satisfying, which can help you be happy with less food.

Eating more fat may also help you stick to your diet longer. In a study conducted by Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, participants got either 20 percent of their calories from fat or 35 percent of their calories from fat. Both groups lost weight after 6 months. But after 18 months, only 20 percent of the people in the low-fat group were still following the diet, compared with 54 percent of the people in the moderate-fat group. Likewise, the subjects in the moderate-fat group maintained their weight loss, while the low-fat group participants gained most of the weight back.

If you reach for a box of low-fat or fat-free crackers or cookies when you want to lose weight, you may actually be sabotaging your diet. Manufacturers frequently replace fat with sugar in many packaged food items to make them taste better. You think you're making a good decision by eating fat-free products, but the excess sugar and refined flour can lead to fatigue, cravings, mood swings, and weight gain caused by the overproduction of insulin, the fat-storage hormone. As a snack, an apple and peanut butter or a salad with oil and vinegar dressing would be a better weight loss choice. The complex carbs and healthy fats will maintain your blood sugar levels, boost your energy, and keep you satisfied longer.

What kind of fat should you eat?

To get lean, you need to eat the right kind of fat. Avoid saturated and trans fats (which are found in red meat, full-fat dairy products, and many packaged foods), and instead choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Here are some of the best sources of fat to help you reach your weight goal.

1. Fish. Fish such as salmon, albacore tuna, herring, mackerel, and sardines contain beneficial amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Most experts agree that eating two servings of fatty fish per week is safe for people who are worried about mercury or other toxins. (Pregnant women should consult with their doctors about consuming fish.) If you don't like fish, a quality supplement such as Core Omega 3 will give you the benefits without the taste. If you're a Team Beachbody Club Member, check out the recipes in the Eat Smart section for some delicious ways to prepare fish.

2. Olive oil. Heart-healthy oils such as olive, canola, and peanut are excellent sources of fat for dieters. They have also been shown to lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Use them sparingly when sauteing, or drizzle them over your favorite salad vegetables with a little vinegar and herbs to maximize the absorption of nutrients. Moderation is important: You really only need about a teaspoon of oil to get all its benefits. Using more will add significant calories.

3. Avocados. Eat a spinach and carrot salad with a little avocado, and you'll not only get a dose of good fat, but you'll also absorb more phytonutrients like lutein and beta-carotene. Scientists at Ohio State University in Columbus found that more antioxidants were absorbed when people ate a salad containing avocados than when they ate a salad without this tasty fruit. One-quarter of an avocado will add flavor with about 75 calories.

4. Nuts. Almonds, walnuts, pecans, and peanuts are powerhouses of good nutrition—full of antioxidants, minerals, and monounsaturated fat. The Nurses Health Study, where more than 86,000 nurses were followed for 14 years, found that those who ate nuts regularly (about an ounce per day) tended to weigh less than those who didn't. The protein, fat, and fiber make nuts more filling, which helps dieters stay on track. There's an added psychological bonus to eating nuts: because they're rich and satisfying, you probably won't feel like you're on a diet.
5. Flaxseeds. Packing a wallop of fat, protein, and fiber, flaxseeds are a delicious and healthful addition to any diet. You can grind them up and add them to oatmeal, yogurt, salads, or vegetables, or pretty much anywhere you want a nutty crunch. They're a plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, making them a good choice for vegetarians or people who don't like fish. Ground flaxseeds also have 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon that will help slow digestion and keep your blood sugar stable.

Making room for fat

Fat might be considered a health food, but that's not a cue to overindulge. At 9 calories per gram, fat is a more concentrated energy source than protein and carbohydrates (each has 4 calories per gram). You need to be mindful of your overall caloric intake if you want to eat more fat and lose weight. But you'll probably find it a bit easier to manage your calories when you feel full and satisfied after eating the right kinds of fat.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Every once in a while I like to enjoy a cocktail, but there is no faster way to consume massive amounts of calories than by drinking too much alcohol. I stopped drinking beer over 12 years ago....I gave it up because it was just simply a waste of calories, but that has not stopped me for from enjoying the occasional cocktail.

Some rules I like to follow when I drink:

1. I try to stick to red wine as my primary drink of choice....white is acceptable, but it usually isn't my preference, although I do enjoy a glass of Sauvignon Blanc once in a while.
2. When drinking alcohol, I try to choose the clear ones; mainly vodka or rum.
3. I'm careful what I mix with it...I try to stick to splashes, diet soda, club soda, diet tonic.
4. I try drink a glass of water in between each drink....keeps you from over drinking, getting dehydrated, and helps with possible hangovers in the morning.
5. I try to only drink on weekends. I will have a glass of wine or two if we have people over for dinner or go out for dinner.
6. Set limitations before you have your first drink. Personally, I try not to have no more than two drinks or glasses of wine. This keeps me sober, and it controls my caloric intake while drinking.

The amount of calories in my favorite drinks of choice:

1. Red Wine = 650 calories per bottle OR 162 calories per 6 oz serving
2. 80 proof Vodka = 73 calories per ounce (most normal strength vodka drinks are 2-3 oz)
3. 80 proof clear Rum = 64 calories per ounce (most normal rum drinks are 2-3 oz)
4. 80 proof Tequila Shot = 64 calories per ounce

One of my sisters friends gave me a great low calorie drink to enjoy, so I will call it the Tina Vodka Twist: One shot of vodka over a lot of ice, squeeze two lemons, and add lime and lemon can also substitute 2 limes if you don't like lemons. When finished mixing, add a slice of lemon or slice of lime.....very refreshing and low in calories. Just make sure it is poured in a tall glass.

Below is a great article on how to lower the calories of some of the most popular mixed drinks that can be packed full of massive calories if not mixed accordingly. Who really wants to consume 500 calories with each drink?

By Stephanie Saunders

Why do we spend all year long working out to look good on the beach, only to sabotage ourselves with summer cocktails? The answer is that's it's fun and social, and it even makes us feel a little bit better about being scantily clad.

Thanks to the dozens of different diet crazes, we are all abundantly aware of carbs, protein, and fat, and we all have different opinions on which is the most evil. But we forget that alcohol has calories too, specifically 7 calories per gram—more than carbs or protein and almost as much as fat. What does this mean for you? It means that it's a challenge to burn off alcohol, especially when it's mixed with yummy sugary ingredients.

The most obvious solution is abstinence, but what fun would that be? Since we cannot remove the alcohol from the recipe, let's remove the excess calories from some popular summer drinks. Here are six summer cocktails and recipes to make them waist friendly.

1. Margarita. The enemy in the margarita is the margarita mix. There are "light" versions out there, but the taste is less than extraordinary. Here is another option that will cut your calories in half without sacrificing flavor.
3 oz. light limeade (either the Minute Maid® version or your own, made with limes, water, and a sugar substitute)
Lime juice (one lime)
2 oz. tequila
1.5 oz. triple sec
Salt to taste
Either pour over ice or blend with ice. Add salt to taste. Sip while pretending you are on a beach in Mexico, and you look amazing in your swimsuit.
Calories before: 435
Calories now: 180

2. Cosmopolitan. The sneaky trickster here is regular cranberry juice, which should be called sugar with cranberry flavoring. This light version uses only one type of alcohol, which drastically cuts your calorie count.
3 oz. light cranberry juice drink
1 oz. raspberry vodka
Squeeze of lime
Lime twist, as garnish
Shake together with ice. Strain ice cubes and pour into fancy fluted glass. Look incredibly trendy and thin at the same time.
Calories before: 413
Calories now: 98

3. Tipsy Arnold Palmer. Sweetened bottled versions of lemonade and iced tea can be pretty loaded with sugar. However, if we brew our own iced tea and squeeze our own lemons, with a bit of sugar substitute and 2 ounces of vodka, we can make a really tasty cocktail that doesn't have so many calories. Or, the light Minute Maid version and some diet iced tea will work for the domestically challenged.
3 oz. light lemonade (or juice of one lemon plus 3 oz. water and sugar substitute)
3 oz. diet iced tea (or 2 teabags steeped in 3 oz. water)
2 oz. vodka
Sprig of mint (optional)
Pour over ice. Stir. Enjoy. Just don't try to play golf after two of these.
Calories before: 156
Calories now: 71

4. Strawberry Daiquiri. Nothing says vacation like a drink that a little umbrella will stand up in. Sugar, yet again, is the culprit. Try this version for a vacation flashback that will be reminiscent of the good times, and not how you ordered seconds of dessert.
1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1 Tbsp. lime juice
1.5 oz. light rum
Sweeten to taste (depends on how sweet the strawberries are)
Throw it all in a blender, and let the good times begin. Please don't consume so many that you try to drink the umbrella.
Calories before: 299
Calories now: 118

5. Piña Colada. Done correctly, it is the taste of summer. If not made well, a Piña Colada will taste like someone served you suntan lotion in a glass. This recipe uses actual fruit and skim milk to replace the sugar and cream.
7 oz. canned chunk pineapple, including juice
2 packets artificial sweetener
1 tsp. imitation coconut extract
1 cup skim milk
1 cup ice cubes
Blend well, garnish with a small plastic monkey, and mentally escape to the Caribbean.
Calories before: 297
Calories now: 146

6. White Wine/Light Beer/Champagne. These all seem fairly obvious and don't require recipes, but they're worth mentioning. White wine has about 100 calories in a 4-ounce serving. And it's rather refreshing on a summer day, especially if you add a blast of club soda to make it into a spritzer. Beer comes in very light versions now, and some contain fewer than 70 calories. Champagne is not only fantastic with brunch, it also is around 100 calories per serving. With all of these, just be sure to measure your amounts so you don't end up with a splitting headache the next morning.

And there you have it. A handle on your summer cocktails, without adding to your love handles. Now get out that swimsuit and let summer be the party it was meant to be!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Do you want a little daily dose of inspiration?

This guys story is so inspirational!

Friday, August 14, 2009

10 Tricks for Losing Those Last 10 Pounds

By Whitney Provost

At the start of a new fitness program, you clean up your diet and hit the workouts, and the weight seems to fall off. But when you get down to the last 5, 10, or 15 pounds you want to lose, the scale may suddenly refuse to budge. You might be tempted to drastically reduce calories or increase the amount of time you spend working out. Don't do it. Instead, here are some simple tricks to help you lose those last 10 pounds.
Cutting calories too low will cause your body to think it's starving, and it will hold on to the fat you're trying so hard to lose. Working out longer will cut into your personal time and probably won't help you drop those last few pounds anyway. Instead, try making these tweaks to your program.

1. Clean up your diet: Once you find a diet that works for you, stick to it. Researchers at Tufts University followed 160 people on four different weight loss plans and found that the type of diet participants were on didn't matter as much as the participants' willingness to stick to their diets. If you've been dieting for a while, you might have become a little lax with your food choices and portions, so tighten them up again. To lose those last pesky pounds, stick to unprocessed foods (the kind that don't come in a box) and choose lean protein, vegetables, fruit, and whole grains. Keeping a food journal will help you track everything you eat and get your calories under control.

2. Cut out some carbs: A simple, short-term trick to losing weight is to cut back on carbs until you're at your goal. Eat lean protein and vegetables at every meal and limit carbs to before and after your workouts, and you'll probably see the scale shift rather quickly. Easy, low-carb meal ideas include egg-white omelette with vegetables, Whey Protein Powder shakes made with water, salads with lean protein (chicken, tuna, or turkey), and grilled or broiled lean beef, poultry, or fish with vegetables.

3. Bump up the intensity of your workouts: No matter what workout program you're doing, you will lose weight faster if you kick up the intensity. Jump higher, squat lower, and increase the weight you're lifting to burn more calories, rev your metabolism, and stoke the fat-burning fire. Whether you're working out to Slim in 6®, ChaLEAN Extreme®, P90X®, or any other Beachbody® fitness program, you'll bust through a plateau by putting out more effort when you exercise.

4. Change your exercise routine: If you've already increased the intensity of your workout program and still find that your weight loss has slowed, it might be time to try something different. When you perform the same exercises over and over, your body becomes more efficient at them. As a result, you use less energy and burn fewer calories. By starting a new fitness routine, you'll shock your muscles, reignite your metabolism, and get the scale moving again. Check out Team Beachbody to find the workout that will take your weight loss to the next level.

5. Stand up: Researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that lean people spend 2 more hours per day on their feet than overweight people. Participants in the study who stood, paced, and fidgeted burned as many as 350 extra calories a day and were much leaner than those who didn't move as much. Get up from your desk at work, talk on the phone while standing, and stay on your feet in waiting rooms—the simplest effort will yield an extra calorie burn that may help you shed those remaining pounds.

6. Eat a little less: When your body gets smaller, it requires fewer calories to function properly. A 165-pound woman who works out three to five times a week may require 2,300 calories per day to maintain her weight, but the same woman at 125 pounds may only need 2,000 calories for maintenance. Trying to lose additional pounds in your lighter body means cutting back a little more. You do not need to make radical changes, however; if you're already increasing the intensity of your workouts and eating a clean, whole-foods diet, you could probably see the scale move with a modest 100-calorie reduction per day.

7. Zigzag your calories: Cycling your calories, also known as zigzagging, is the process of eating more on certain days and less on others. If you always eat 1,800 calories, try eating 1,500 calories one day and 2,000 the next. As long as you create a weekly deficit, you should see the pounds drop. Much like shocking your muscles into working harder by introducing new exercises, it's possible to shock your metabolism by zigzagging your calories.

8. Drink more water: You may not realize how important water is for weight loss—it's not just a tool to help you eat less. Being properly hydrated will balance your energy levels, which allows you to exercise with intensity. (Have you ever been so thirsty during a workout that you couldn't perform as well as usual?) Drinking enough water may also increase your metabolism and promote muscle building—a well-hydrated body can more efficiently repair and build muscles. On the other hand, being dehydrated encourages muscle breakdown. So drink up, especially since you are exercising regularly.

9. Relax: Believe it or not, you may be trying too hard to lose weight. If your workouts are very intense and your diet is too strict, you could overtrain and burn out. Your mind and body will just not respond in the same way when they're tired. Muscles need rest to repair and grow, and sometimes your brain needs a break from constant calorie counting and worrying about the last few pounds. Instead of becoming frustrated and diving into a box of cookies, try to relax and reduce the intensity for a little while. You may be surprised to find the scale moving again when you give your mind and body a rest.

10. Reevaluate your goal weight: First, congratulate yourself on getting to this point. Losing weight is not easy, and you've already accomplished a great deal—so enjoy your success. The next step is to ask yourself if the "magic" number on the scale is really the best weight for you. Perhaps you've lost fat and gained a lot of muscle; your new hard body might be healthier and happier with a few more pounds on it. Many people want to weigh the same as they did in high school or college. What if you're much more fit and muscular now than you were in those days? You may realize that the number on the scale today is perfect for you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jack LaLanne

Jack LaLanne, a true pioneer in the fitness industry says, "What you eat today, you will wear tomorrow".

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


There are two types of abdominal fat that attribute to people having a gut and not being able to see their abdomonial muscles. Both are dangerous to our health and lead to many different diseases. The first one is SUBCUTANEOUS FAT and it is the fat that lies directly beneath the skin and sits on top of the abdominal muscles. The second one is VISCERAL FAT, and that fat lies deeper in the abdomen and is under the abdominal muscle and is surrounded by all the vital organs in your plays a major role in increasing your chances of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other diseases.

The only way to get permananently get rid of abdominal fat is to combine proper nutrition with a properly designed exercise program. This program should include both cardio, lifting weights, and plenty of core exercises....targeting your core alone will not get the job done by itself. To permanently lose the gut, you have to contol your food intake by designing a daily nutritional program that gives you the right daily caloric intake and is filled with nutritious foods that are unprocessed and natural.

The two things that really helped me lose abdominal fat and allow me to get into the best possible shape are P90X and the nutrition plan that comes with the program, along with reading The Abs Diet and finding out which foods are best to choose from when you do have a choice. The Abs Diet focuses on 12 Power Foods:

Almonds and other nuts (NOT salted or roasted).
Beans and other Legumes (NOT refried or baked).
Spinach and other green veggies (NOT covered in sauces).

Dairy Products (NOT whole milk, frozen yogurt, or ice cream).
Instant Oatmeal (NOT flavored or with added sugar or corn syrup).
Eggs (Whites)
Turkey and other Lean Meats (NOT fatty cuts or processed).

Peanut Butter - Natural (NOT Hydrogenated....must have oil on top).
Olive Oil (NOT hydrogenated oils or trans fatty acids).
Whole Grain Breads and Cereals (NOT white).
Extra Whey 100% Isolate Protein (NOT soy or egg).
Raspberries and other Berries (NOT sugary jellies).

Following The Abs Diet along with doing P90X (Buy P90X here)helps build muscle, promotes weightloss, strengthens bones, lowers blood pressure, fights cancer, improves immune deficiency function, and helps fight heart disease.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My wife and I came up with this about 10 years ago and I have been making it ever since. This is a great variety of nutrients to get your day started off right and to this day, I am still not sick of will be amazed at how good it tastes. I don't even eat cottage cheese by itself, but you would never know it's even there. Here is my "not so secret anymore" DJ's POWER PROTEIN PANCAKE RECIPE...try them, it is a great balance of everything, including blueberries which are a great form of antioxidant. This a well balanced slow released meal that provides lots of energy!


I like to use a hand blender and a tall 32+ oz. cup that is wide enough at the bottom to let the blender get there...the hand blender is so much easier to clean up vs. a regular blender.

500 Calorie version:


8 oz. Egg Whites (I buy them in a carton)
1/2 cup of 2% Cottage Cheese (I buy the Breakstone Snack Packs, already portioned out)
2/3 cup Old Fashioned Oatmeal (Rolled Oats)
1/2 Cup of Blueberries (I use frozen Organic that Costco sells)
1/3 cup of Sugar Free Cary's Syrup
Dash of Nutmeg spice

400 Calorie version:


6 oz. Egg Whites (I buy them in a carton)
1/2 cup of 2% Cottage Cheese (I buy the Breakstone Snack Packs, already portioned out)
1/2 cup Old Fashioned Oatmeal (Rolled Oats)
1/2 cup of Blueberries (I use frozen Organic that Costco sells)
1/4 cup of Sugar Free Cary's Syrup
Dash of Nutmeg spice

250 Calorie version:


4 oz. Egg Whites (I buy them in a carton)
1/4 cup of 2% Cottage Cheese (I buy the Breakstone Snack Packs, already portioned out)
1/3 cup Old Fashioned Oatmeal (Rolled Oats)
1/4 Cup of Blueberries (I use frozen Organic that Costco sells)
1/4 or less cup of Sugar Free Cary's Syrup
Dash of Nutmeg spice


I blend all these together into a batter, and yes they are purple until after they are cooked. I make two plate size pancakes (I make the 500 calorie version) that I cook in a large pan on Medium Heat. I eat the 1st one, while the second one is still cooking. I spray Smart Choice Non Stick Cooking Spray on the pan. You can also make this same batter and then use a waffler and make waffles!


I spray Smart Choice spray butter on them and then I use Cary's Sugar Free Syrup which only has 30 calories per 1/4 cup.

Monday, August 10, 2009

DJ's Banana Oatmeal Protein Muffins

Mix the dry ingredients first and then mix the wet ingredients separately before combining the two.

Dry Ingredients:

1 cup of Rolled Oats = 300 Cal/10 Protein/54g Carbs
1 cup of Whole Ground Flaxseed Meal = 480 Cal/24g Protein/32g Carbs
1 cup Organic Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour = 520 Cal/20 Protein/104g Carbs
2 cups of Whey Protein Powder (Banana, Tropical, or Vanilla Flavor) = 660 Cal/120g Protein/36g Carbs
1 Cup of Splenda = 96 cal/cup
1 Tbl Spoon of Nutmeg & Cinnamon
1 Tbl Spoon Baking Powder

Wet Ingredients:

1/2 cup of Lite Coconut Milk = 70 Cal/4g Carbs
1/2 cup of Egg Whites = 63 Cal/12g Protein/2g Carbs
1 Cup of Apple Sauce (no sugar added) = 100 Cal/24g Carbs
1 Cup of 2% Cottage Cheese = 200 Cal/31g Protein/8g Carbs
4 Ripe Bananas = 400 Cal/5g Protein/104 Carbs
1/2 Cup of Lowfat Greek Yogurt (2% Fage)= 130 Cal/18g Protein/12g Carbs
1 egg = 70 Cal/6g Protein/2 Carbs
1/4 cup of Natural Peanut Butter = 420 Cal/16g Protein/12g Carbs

Bake: Spread evenly into a greased 16 muffin loaf pan and bake for 20 minutes at 350*.

Each Muffin: 208 Calories, 15g Protein, and 25g Carbs

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Loggerhead Triathlon

Yesterday was my Day 90 of P90X (Buy P90X) and it just happened to fall on the day of the Loggerhead Triathlon. This is THE best local triathlon....3/8 mile swim, 13 mile bike, and a 3.1 mile run.

Friday, August 7, 2009

DJ's Buffalo Meatball & Spaghetti Squash Recipe

My wife Kristen suggested that I try making meatballs like I make my meatloaf, so this is how I did it....

DJ's Buffalo Meatballs:

3 pounds ground buffalo
2 tbl extra-virgin olive oil
1 cup of diced peppers
1 cup of diced onion
1 tbl spoon of chopped garlic
1 cup chopped bella mushrooms (I usually just chop up the whole package)
.5 cup of Egg White
1.5 cups Quick Oats Oatmeal (I use Quick cause they are finer than the Rolled Oats)
1 cup of Shredded Parmesan (I don't pack it in the cup, just measure it loosely)
3 tbl Worcestershire sauce
3 tbl balsamic vinegar
Chopped basil leaves (fresh is better, and I never measure)
3 teaspoon sea salt
1.5 teaspoon black pepper

Preheat oven to 350*. Mix all the ingredients together...I blend all the wet ingredients together and then combine them all at once with the dry ingredients. I weighed each ball to 4 oz (it should end up about 3 oz after cooking). I put them in a large foil pan that was sprayed with Smart Choice Omega non stick spray and put in the oven for 40 minutes, then after the first 40 minutes I added three 24 oz bottles of Marinara and put it back in the oven for 30 minutes.

Spaghetti Squash: I cooked it in the microwave in a large Pyrex with 1" of water in it for 12 minutes, then took them out and put them on a paper towel (inside of the squash facing down) and let them cool before forking out the spaghetti.....It is so good!

You could also replace the buffalo with extra lean ground beef or 99% fat free ground turkey, but we really like ground buffalo (Whole Foods).

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Food Choice List & Serving Size:

When I did P90X (Buy P90X), this is how I tracked my calories and broke my food down into what I consider to be a serving size...this makes it much easier for me to track how much to eat per meal and how many calories I am getting per day. I am a habitual over eater with eyes bigger than my stomach, so this makes it easier for me to control my portion sizes....I will usually only eat 1 serving of carbs at a time, but I often will eat 2-3 servings of protein with a meal, and I also never measure my green or leafy vegetables. Tracking it this way makes it real easy for me to make sure that I am getting my daily calories and balancing out my foods and nutrients. Obviously some snacks and/or foods could be categorized in multiple categories, but I choose to place it where it fits best i.e. 1 serving of Black Beans has 15g of Protein and 40g of carbs, but I count it as a serving of carbs.

PROTEIN (100 Calories)

3 oz. Skinless White Meat Chicken
3 oz. Turkey Breast
7 oz. Egg Whites
1 scoop of 100% Whey Isolate Protein
2.5 oz. Lean Red Meat
3 oz. Wild Salmon or Tuna
3.5 oz. Lean White Fish (Orange Roughy or Grouper)
3.5 oz. of Shrimp (I like large Tiger Shrimp)
3 oz. Extra Lean Ground Beef or Ground Buffalo
3 oz. Lean Ground Turkey

CARBS (200 Calories or less)

1 Honey Wheat English Muffin
1 Whole-Wheat Pita
2 Slices of Whole Grain Breads
1 Large Tortillas (corn or whole wheat)
6 oz. Brown Rice
8 oz. Sweet Potato
2/3 cup Rolled Oats Plain Oatmeal
7 oz. Beans
5 oz. Whole Wheat Pasta

DAIRY (120 Calories or less)

1/2 cup Low-Fat Cottage Cheese
1 oz. Parmesan Cheese
1.5 oz Part Skim Mozzarella
8 oz. Skim or 1% Milk
1 cup 0% Greek Yogurt (Fage)
1 oz. Low-Fat Cheese

VEGGIES (50 Calories)

5 oz. Broccoli
8 oz. Asparagus
10 oz. Salad Greens
10 oz. Spinach
7 oz. Mushrooms
5 oz. Baby Carrots
6 oz. Peppers
8 oz. Tomatoes

FRUIT (100 Calories)

7 oz. Apple (medium)
10 oz. Melon
4 oz. Banana (medium)
11 oz. Grapefruit
10 oz. Frozen Strawberries
7 oz. Frozen Blueberries
7 oz. Fresh Raspberries
7 oz. Other Berries

SNACKS (100 Calories)

1 oz. Low-Fat Cheese
1 cup 0% Greek Yogurt (Fage)
1 tbl. spoon of "Natural" Peanut Butter
1 String Cheese
1/2 oz. Almonds (about 12 pieces)
12 Mini Brown Rice Crackers (unsalted)
1 Slice of Whole Wheat Bread

FATS (120 Calories)

2.5 oz. Avocado
1 tbl. spoon EV Olive Oil
1 tbl. spoon Flaxseed Oil

CONDIMENTS (50 Calories or less)

Salad Spray Spritzers
Smart Choice Spray Butter
Smart Choice Omega 3 Non Stick Cooking Spray
1/4 cup of Sugar Free Cary's Syrup



Dividing your meals up into equal calories is a great way to kick start your metabolic rate and get your body burning fat. Right now I'm doing the INSANITY workout and I am taking in 3,000 cal/day by eating 500 calorie meals 5 times a day, and then having an early morning (5am) snack before I eat breakfast and then a Greek Yogurt 1 hour before bed. You can scale the calories down to either 300 or 400 calories per meal to fit your caloric needs by using my 'Food Choice Guide'.

1 cup of Egg Whites
2/3 cup of Rolled Oats
1/2 cup of Lowfat Cottage Cheese
1/2 cup of fresh or frozen Blueberries
dash of Nutmeg & Cinnamon

Blend into batter and then make waffles or pancakes out of the batter.

1 1/2 Scoops of Whey Protein Isolate Powder
1 cup of 1% Organic Milk
1/2 cup of fresh or frozen Berries
1/4 cup of Oatmeal
1 Tbsp. of Natural Peanut or Almond Butter

8 oz. of water
2 Scoops of Whey Protein Isolate Powder (Chocolate)
1 Tbsp of Instant Coffee
1 Tbsp of Flaxseed Oil
1/2 Banana
3 frozen Strawberries

1 1/2 Scoops of Whey Protein Isolate Powder
1 cup of 1% Organic Milk
1/2 cup of fresh or frozen Berries
1/2 Banana1 Tbsp. of Natural Peanut or Almond Butter
1 Tbsp. of Fat Free Jello Banana Cream Pudding Powder

1 1/2 Scoops of Whey Protein Isolate Powder
1 cup of 1% Organic Milk
1/4 cup of Oatmeal
1/2 Banana1 Tbsp. of Natural Peanut or Almond Butter
1 Tbsp. of Fat Free Jello Chocolate Pudding Powder

2 Scoops of Whey Protein Isolate Powder
1 cup of 1% Organic Milk
1/2 Banana1 Tbsp. of Natural Peanut or Almond Butter
1 Tbsp. of Fat Free Jello Pistachio Pudding Powder

1 1/2 Scoops of Whey Protein Isolate Powder
1 cup of 1% Organic Milk
1/4 cup of Oatmeal
1/2 Banana
1 Tbsp. of Natural Peanut or Almond Butter
1 Tbsp. of Fat Free Jello White Chocolate Pudding Powder

1 Whole Wheat Bagel or English Muffin
2 Tbsp. Lowfat Cream Cheese
2 slices of Tomato
4 oz of Smoked 'Wild' Salmon
1 Grapefruit

4 Egg Whites
1 Whole Grain Tortilla
2 Tbsp. of Salsa
2 Slice of Tomato

1/2 cup of Melon (cubed)
1 cup of Lowfat Greek Yogurt (Fage) with...
1 Tbsp. Chopped Walnuts

1 1/2 cups of Kashi GoLean or Hi-Lo Cereal
1 cup of 1% Organic Milk
1 Banana
1 Tbsp. Flaxseed Oil

2 Slices of Whole Wheat Toast
2 Tbsp. of Natural Peanut or Almond Butter
1 Banana

2 Whole Eggs
2 Egg Whites
1 cup of chopped Mushrooms & Onions
2 Slices of Whole Wheat Toast
1 Slice of Low Fat Cheese
6 oz of Orange Juice

1 1/3 cup of Rolled Oats (Old Fashioned)
1 1/2 Scoops of Whey Protein Isolate Powder
2 Tbsp. of Chopped Walnuts
1/4 cup of 1% Organic Milk

1 Whole Egg
2 Egg Whites
1 Honey Wheat English Muffin
1 Slice if Tomato
1 slice of Lowfat Cheese
3 oz of Lean Protein (Chicken or Flank Steak)
6 oz of Orange Juice or Fruit

2 Cups of Lowfat Greek Yogurt (Large Fage)
1 Tbsp. of Agave Nectar
2 Tbsp. of Chopped Walnuts
2 Tbsp. of Raisins

1 Banana Oatmeal Protein Muffins (recipe on site)
6 oz Lowfat Greek Yogurt
1 Tbsp. of Chopped Walnuts
1 serving of Fruit of Choice

1 Whole Wheat English Muffin or Whole Wheat Tortilla
4 oz of Grilled Chicken or Turkey (best if not processed Deli Meat)
2 slice of Lowfat Cheese or
2 Tbsp of Lowfat Cream Cheese
Sliced Tomato to taste

1 Apple or Pear

4 oz of Chicken Breast
3 Cups of Fresh Spinach
1 cup of raw Brocolli
1/2 chooped apple
1 Tbsp of chopped Pecans or Walnuts

(optional) Diced Tomato or Cucumber
1 Tbsp of EV Olive Oil
Lemon Juice to taste
2/3 cup of Black Beans

1 Tuna or Salmon roll with Brown Rice

1 Side Salad
2 Tbsp of Asian Ginger Dessing
1 cup of Edamame
1 cup of Miso Soup

4 oz Tuna Ahi Tuna Steak
2 Tbsp of low-fat Teriyaki Sauce
2 cups of fresh Spinach
1 cup of Brown Rice
1 Tbsp of EV Olive Oil

Wilt Spinach and EV Olive Oil

4 oz of lean Roast Beef

1 Whole Wheat Pita
1 tsp of Horse Radish
1 cup of Wilted Spinach
1 tsp EV Olive Oil
3 oz of Avocado
2 Slices of Tomato

1 Whole Wheat Tortila
3 oz of Grilled Chicken Tenders
3 oz of Avocado
5 Sprays of Ranch Salad Spritzer Spray
1 oz of Low Fat Mozzarella

5 oz of fresh Ground Buffalo or Extra Lean Red Meat

1 Whole Wheat English Muffin
1 slice of Low Fat Cheese
1 Slice of Tomato
1.5 oz of Avocado or Guacamole
1 Small Romaine House Salad

3/4 cup of Whole Wheat Pasta
3 oz of Grilled Chicken
1 cup of mixed steamed Veggies of choice
1/3 cup of low-fat Feta crumbles

1 cup of Berries or fruit of choice for dessert

2 slices of Whole-Grain Bread or Toast

2 Tbsp of Natural Peanut or Almond Butter (1 tbsp per slice)1 sliced banana

1 Honey Wheat English Muffin
4 oz of Chicken Breast (2 oz on each muffin)
1/2 cup of Marinara Sauce
1.5 oz of Part Skim Mozzarella
1 cup of Broccoli (steamed and served on the side)

Bake on 350* for 10 minutes.

1.5 cups of Chili (see Chili recipe above)

2 cups of chopped fresh Spinach
1 cup of chopped Broccoli
1.5 Part Skim Mozzarella

Microwave chopped veggies for 1 minute, then add chili and microwave for another minute, then finally add cheese and microwave for a final minute.

7 oz of Shrimp (I like the large ones)

4 Tbsp of Cocktail Sauce
1 cup of steamed Broccoli
2 slices of Whole Wheat Toast or
1 Honey Wheat English Muffin

Boil shrimp in 1 can or bottle of Light Beer and sprinkle with Old Bay Seasoning, then add a little more seasoning after they are fully boiled and drained.